Fluorine Synthetic and Medicinal Research Group

Pricipal Investigator
Dr. Qinghe Liu received his Bachelor's degree in 2012 from Zhengzhou University. He then moved to Shanghai and obtained his PhD degree from Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry (SIOC), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in 2017 with Prof. Jinbo Hu. He went to Boston and worked as a postdoctoral researcher with Prof. Amir H. Hoveyda in Boston College since 2018. Qinghe joined China Pharmaceutical University (CPU) as a full professor in the February of 2023. The interest of Dr. Qignhe Liu's research group will mainly focused on the development of fluorine chemistry, microfluid chemistry, and functional organic molecules for pharmaceutical and material application.

Bo Wang
Graduate student

Jinhe Na
Graduate student

Xiaomei Chen
Graduate student

Xinyu Li
Graduate student

Han Yu
Graduate student

Jiamin Tan
Graduate student

Xuliang Han
Research Assistant

Gaoyang Ni
Research Assistant

Yinhu Liang
Research Assistant

Shiyu Pan
Graduate student

Yanbo Peng
Graduate student

Hanyu Shi
Graduate student